I love Degrassi! Most of the time anyway. I have to admit season nine was getting a bit boring.
But season ten is full of drama! ....Kind of...
I didn't really watch most of the boiling point though, just the movie that kicked it off and a few episodes afterwards. Then I stopped watching because I had other things to do at 9 pm.
I recently (within the last two days) sat my butt down and watched all the episodes on teennick.com...
If you watch Degrassi you prolly know about a new character name Eli (Elijah) Goldsworthy.
First off I have to say, the second I saw him in the promo for Degrassi, my heart skipped a beat or two.
That guy (Munro Chambers) is in one word, breathtaking. (Sound familiar?)
I don't even know where to start with this topic, there is so much I want to say. (Though I’m going to forget half of it as soon as I start writing)
Eli is defiantly different then most of the characters on Degrassi. Defiantly unique. Defiantly mysterious.
But what do we REALLY know about him?
He is a new student at Degrassi, and a junior. He is sixteen.
He always wears black, is very sarcastic, seems pretty confident, charming, visually pleasing (this is why I'm a girl)...
What kind of car does he drive? A classic hearse of course!!
Yup. I said (typed) hearse. How cool is that!?!
(Apparently the car is named Morty, which fits perfectly for a hearse)
Speaking of cars, he knows a lot about cars, or at least enough to fix Morty who he claims breaks down like once a week.
He is friends with Clare and Adam. (For anyone who is reading this and doesn't watch Degrassi...Or is really dumb...Eli is a love interest for Clare, but I will get into that later)...
He has really got it in for bullies. Eli won't tolerate getting bullied. Bonus: Even when he looks pissed he is still cute!
This brings me to something else I wanted to talk about.
Eli's past. Cause right now all we know about him is what we have collected from the episodes. Eli is very mysterious, you really don't hear him saying anything about his past or sharing any experiences with Clare or Adam. Everything we know is current. Leaving Eli fans (like moi) curious and wanting to know more. (I wanna know more more more more -creepy eye twitch)
There is another thing I know about Eli. He can be dangerous. In "Try honesty" Eli is trying to park Morty and has to stop because Fitz and his 'friends' are in his way. After saying "yea excuse me" and "what’s wrong with you?" Fitz goes over and pops the hood ornament of Morty. Eli, clearly pissed (I would be to) gets out and him and Fitz have a little confrontation. No one really gets hurt, except poor Morty might have been feeling a little bare without his (assuming its a he) hood ornament.
I could tell you more about the Episode or get to the point. Basically, after a few little confrontations with Fitz, Eli is going to do something about it.
The plan is brilliant, but very devious.
First he offers a peace treaty to Fitz. He offers him a fake I.D. to get "some of the finer things youth prohibits" to put it his way.
Instead of using random information, Eli uses the 'vital stats' of an escaped convict, and gives it to Fitz, who doesn't have a clue. Then he speeds up the process of Fitz getting arrested.
He calls 911, tells them there is a fight where he is, and that it looks pretty bad. Then he hangs up and actually starts a fight with Fitz, the cops come, get the I.d.s, and whatta you know, Fitz gets arrested. WOOHOO!
But dangerous, cause he could have gotten arrested to ya knows, not to mention, Eli must of taken like at least (least least least least) 5 punches from Fitz. I would be crying my eyes out, but instead of that, Eli says "You punch like my grandma"
The dude is seriously tough. Require more proof? Drew took four punches from Fitz and he was done. (And look at drew! -Whistles-)
I would never be able to do something like that! (Err…that’s kind of a lie)
Now on to the promo for Degrassi: The Boiling Point!
If you haven't seen it, here's a link:
Anyway, in the video, Clare is reading Tarot cards. First she pulls out "Lovers" (and Eli gives the cutest smirk)
Then she pulls out "Death" EEEP! (Eli has no real reaction though)
I know the Death card doesn't exactly mean a physical death. Could mean the end of something....or...Could mean death...eeepp...
I was reading a post somewhere about it. (not gonna say where, mainy cause I don't know if they would like me linking back to them..yada yada yada..)
There were tons of different theories about what it could mean.
Does it mean Eli dies? Or does Eli kill someone?
If he did kill someone who would it be?
Or does Clare die? (Prolly not)
Does Clare kill someone and Eli hides the body? (Again...Prolly not...but that would be so romantic somehow)
Someone had a thought about if Clare got preggers and the baby died. (Uh...WOAH...Somehow I would love to see Clare and Eli parents...only maybe after they graduate highschool+college, have well paying jobs, a house, and are married...:D :D :D)
Then there were ideas about K.C. ending it. Possibly because he finds out about Clare and Eli. A theory I don't mind, since I've lost so much respect for his character.
Honestly, I don't think Eli will die.
!!But I'm still scared as hell!!! If they DARE kill off Eli, Imma go bananas on the writers! Seriously! And there are other people (er...girls) that would to.
(I will also go bananas on the writers if Eli and Clare don't get together and stay that way)
They can't kill Eli off, they'd lose to many veiwers. But maybe they didn'y know that when they wrote it. Their loss. May they get fired when/if the number of views suddenly decreases afters Eli's death.
Again, if it happens. Which it better not. -Still scared- Eeeeeep!
The death card could mean anything. Perhaps the writers are just scaring the hell out of you. The death card could simply mean when Eli ran over Clare's glasses he killed the last part of old Clare, making her 100% new Clare. Think about it. She ditc
hed the uniform, the super-nerdyness, the long hair (I love it short, so much cuter), and she is done with K.C., and ready to move on to someone else. (Eli!) It makes perfect sense! Not to mention after Eli ran over her old glasses her gets out and says
"I think their dead"
But I'll say it again; I'm still scared something bad will happen to Eli. He better not get written off the show, he has only been in like 5 episodes.
(Hehe…just kidding you…sort of…)
Now don't go thinking I'm shallow and only like Eli because he is seriously hot. The fact is the character would be my freaking soul mate if he was real...and I know that sounds really stupid, but it's so true. But soooo creepy.
So far I love everything about him. Not to mention he is devious just like I am! You know how hard it is to find that in someone? Anyway, if I can't have Eli, I suppose Clare can.
I love Eli and Clare as a couple. He challenges her a bit. It's so cute! They have such good chemistry!! You know it was meant to be from the second he gets out of that hearse. Not to mention she had trouble speaking when she said "its okay, I don't need them anymore. I got, laser, eye, surgery." Lol! I also love it when Clare gets out of English class and complains to Alli. "He's just so urrgh you know?"
And Alli replies "I get it Clare, you’re in love with Eli"
Damn it! I wish she was already!!
As I made very clear, I want Eli and Clare to get together and stay that way. It is my favorite Degrassi couple ever; it beat my former favorite couple:
Holly J and Declan. <---Still my second favorite
(Who broke up -sobs-)
I wanna see how this turns out. I feel so bad for Eli though! I keep hearing that he killed his girlfriend by accident. O.o
=So for anyone who is lazy and doesn't feel like reading anything=
1. Eli is fucking hot!!
2. He is Clare's love interest
3. There is a lot of speculation about the death card and what is has to do with Eli. But again, I doubt they will kill him off. (Better not better not better not)
4. Fitz is a stupid bully...
5. This post makes me seem like a crazed fan girl. Well perhaps I am.
Questions? Comments? Hateful things to say?
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